Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012 Christmas Party

I hope that everyone can make it to the Christmas party this year and many thanks to everyone for your help and participation in order to make this Christmas filled with fond, lasting memories. Here are the details:

When:     December 22, 2012 at 6 p.m.

Where:    Keith and Wendy Bradshaw's house


Cookie exchange:  

We are asking everyone to bring a dozen cookies (made or bought) to share with everyone. We're hoping for a fun variety so everyone can try something new or indulge in a favorite. Have fun with it : )

Dirty Santa:             

We're doing a "dirty Santa" gift exchange for the adults only. We'll explain the rules of the game at the party but to participate, each adult will need to bring a wrapped gift that costs no more than $10. Get creative! Anything from ridiculous to "wow!" is appropriate. Special gift bags will be given to the children, too!

Bring your Christmas cheer and favorite requests to join together in caroling :) We'll have a special number sung by all the kids (and a little help from the still young at heart!)

Hors d'oeuvre:  Plenty of snacks and yummy things to eat!

Nativity presentation as the grand finale!

We hope you all can make it and if you have any questions at all about the evening's fun and festivities, please call me!

See you all there and Merry Christmas!