Friday, November 9, 2012

Mom's Christmas Party Ideas and events

Christmas Party ideas and activities by Mom:

Mom sent me an update on Christmas activities in their neck-of-the-woods and wanted me to let everyone know they are invited if you would like to go! Also...some ideas and dates to keep in mind for the Christmas Party. Please be thinking of what days work for you and bring any ideas you have with you to Thanksgiving!

Mom writes:

"Just thought I would let you know about some things going on in CG. Our Ward Christmas Party is on Dec. 15th. It is centered around Nauvoo so everyone is supposed to come dressed for the time period. Wouldn’t you know it. I hung on to our costumes for years and only last year did I dispose of them. So I will have to work on that. Part of the evening is to have the town of Nauvoo with Skovill Bakery and other Nauvoo historical places. Anyway, if anyone is interested you’re invited. Starts at 6PM. I’ll get more information this Sunday.
Also, in CG on Dec 9 at 7PM is the annual community performance of the Messiah and it’s held at our Stake building. It involves all the churches in our community and there are some really great voices in this choir. It’s been our tradition since moving here in 2004 that we attend this really great performance. Each year we hear the choir we think it can’t get any better and each year we are amazed at even greater performance than before. If anyone is interested we would love to share this community event from our little town with you. It lasts an hour and there is usually a big variety of cookies for refreshments afterwards.
I think I already mentioned some ideas for family time: an evening at the temple to see the lights and enjoy the nightly performances at the visitor center (also the nativity display at visitor center). Maybe hot chocolate afterwards or a treat at Nielsen’s frozen custard. As far as a family activity goes I guess we are available except for Dec. 2, 9 and 15th.
We are looking forward to being with everyone at Thanksgiving."

1 comment:

  1. All my friends know my love for Christmas day and parties' altogether. Last year was real fun with friends and family. One of the nearly located event space was booked beforehand to avoid last minute rush. Dinner and cake was yummy. Danced a lot. Also wished for another prosperous year from God.
